The Scream of Feyer: hitching a ride with a suicide bomber Read online

Page 13

  Klue could smell the woman’s moral spirit drawing nearer to his lair. He had withdrawn to his Lofoten sanctuary to prepare for the Final Encounter with her – if she made it that far! He had summoned Wheeler and his security forces to his island in readiness for a confrontation. Klue now sensed that Wheeler’s men had started to lose faith in their one-eyed leader. The man who was once the most feared security presence in the western world now stooped a little and his face was drawn by the spectre of perpetual torture. He seldom conversed with his project subordinates and they knew nothing of the devil’s motivating presence. If he did talk to his men, it was to bark an order or deliver a stinging threat and only Marco Sant remained loyal to the course that Wheeler was following. When Klue had ordered Wheeler to bring his security cohort to Moskenesoya, Jess hadn’t given any reason for the latest geographical shift and his troops became even more disillusioned. The decadent high-living that the project staff had previously experienced was now redundant and was replaced by the uncertainty associated with playing the tune for a psychotic leader!

  Before the cohort left for the Lofoten Islands, a mutiny took place and a significant number of security staff fled to isolated parts of Northern Germany. In many ways the party was over and when two deserters were caught, Wheeler was ruthless in his implementation of justice once again. Both men were hung by their ankles and repeatedly cut across vulnerable areas of their bodies until they bled to death. Wheeler had announced the deaths to his men as the last fucking warning and when the remnants of the security division boarded the helicopters to take them to Moskenesoya, project morale was at an all-time low.

  * * *

  One of the helicopters flew high above the heads of the bathing Avoiders and all three of them registered the unmistakable sound of the craft. They looked at each other, thinking the same thought. The project choppers were flying in the direction of the Lofoten Islands and Feyer felt that this represented a massing of the enemy! She sensed the work of Klue once again.

  The Avoiders dried out their clothing and then proceeded to walk the remainder of the journey to Bodo. Although it was later in the day than their first journey estimations had predicted, they didn’t encounter anyone as they walked beside the rail track. An eerie silence was in the air when they reached the outskirts of the town. The sound of the disposal trains as they sped past occasionally broke the monotony of the cloying blanket of silence, but initially humans were totally absent from the streets of Bodo. This factor instilled fear into the Avoiders. The three of them were now exhausted from their gruelling journey and they decided to break for the night before venturing further into Bodo.

  Klue would send his storms again that night and as he soiled nature with malevolence, his handmaiden sunk her teeth into his fetid phallus. The beast snarled when he came and the air became pungent around him. His diseased semen seeped into the earth and he turned his thoughts to the satanic triplets developing in Levene’s womb. The beast then bit down on his handmaiden and she returned a demure smile for receiving his pain – it was the benediction that she had desired and after receiving it, she drifted into a contented sleep at the feet of her master.


  The three Avoiders had slept in the grounds of a deserted, large residence in the outskirts of Bodo and Feyer was the first to wake. She gently woke her two companions and then laid out the plan of action for the impending day.

  "We ought to assess our surroundings thoroughly today guys and undertake a reconnaissance of the centre of Bodo. We can get the lowdown on why it’s so fucking silent here and where all the citizens of Bodo have gone. We’re bound to find some people in the centre of the town. When we do encounter others, let me converse. They’ll speak Norwegian – the language that I was raised in."

  Whilst the three Avoiders still looked rather bedraggled, they didn’t look as noticeable as they had done, before they had washed the rotting flesh from their clothes! When they got close to the centre of the town they sighted an elderly couple. Feyer made her move, whilst the others stood back not wishing to frighten the couple with their added presence.

  Feyer smiled at the couple as she approached them, hoping that this universal gesture would allay any fear that they may have had for strangers. When she got closer to the pair, the old man stood protectively in front of his partner. She then spoke in a tone that was reassuringly warm and friendly.

  Her expression broke their fears down and the three of them conversed for a few minutes. Feyer then thanked the couple before making her way back to Hines and Blackwell. Her face had suddenly become quite ashen. She divulged what she had learnt to the others.

  "Bodo was the scene of another project atrocity six months ago. Northern Norway had been comparatively unscathed until then, according to those old folks. Oslo, Bergen and other southern cities had been hit years ago with the mandatory Prerogative Three edict, but life on the western coastal fringes had managed to retain the old ways in the main. The couple stated that they had been aware of the radical changes that the MC-Project had made around the world, but they had started to feel safe in their backwater isolation. Then the project had moved into the north-west and a killing-spree had been entered into. The troops didn’t bother with Prerogative Three – they just disembarked from their gunships and started shooting the citizens of Bodo. Everyone was executed, save the very old. The fucking bastards even shot sleeping infants! After three days the shooting stopped, but the couple said that the massacre had been total as far as they knew."

  "Where does that leave us – with regard to getting to the Lofoten Islands?"

  "It shouldn’t be a radical problem Dean. They said that project security squads haven’t been back since the massacre and the harbour is still packed with the boats of countless dead fishermen. We can take our pick."

  Hines then asked a question.

  "When do you think we should make our move?"

  "Not for a couple of weeks. The spiral winds won’t start blowing until September. We may as well lie low in this ghost town until then. Bodo is a haven when compared to the uncertainties that await us in Moskenesoya – the island where Hell is located."

  The three Avoiders continued to plan their impending journey and Blackwell was designated to select the most suitable vessel for their passage. He had some maritime navigation experience and he quite liked the idea of being in charge – for a change! In the next few days they occasionally saw some more elderly people, but the place had the atmosphere of a morgue – it was restful but deathly silent. No bird song could be heard and Bodo had the atmosphere of a second Auschwitz.

  After finding out that Bodo was nearly deserted the Avoiders chose a very elegant residence to occupy. It had many rooms with an ornate staircase being just one of it’s many aesthetic features. The residence was in close proximity to the harbour.

  That evening Feyer had plans to temporarily lighten the gloom that enshrouded Bodo. It had been another oppressive day and she felt that the onus was on her as leader, to find a form of respite from the tragic discoveries that frequently came their way. When Blackwell and Hines were sorting out an evening meal from tinned foods that they had scavenged in Bodo, Feyer quietly made her way down to the cellar. She had anticipated that the property they had claimed would have some wine racks down in the cellar. As she walked down the cellar steps she hoped that her deduction wouldn’t be a case of wishful thinking!

  The woman’s face lit up when she saw a wine rack containing about fifty bottles! After briefly looking over the selection, she walked back up the stairs clutching the finest bottles of champagne and claret that she had ever seen. She burst into the kitchen with the enthusiasm of a teenager on her first sleepover!

  "Yo – it’s party time guys – time to liven up this gloom-tomb!"

  She threw a bottle of champagne to her fellow Avoiders and after securing a corkscrew she proceeded to gulp down large mouthfuls of claret.

  Hines smiled and was most complimentary to Feyer. This was a far cry f
rom the days before the infamous train journey – when the pair had been openly hostile toward each other.

  "Cool Feyer – a real bonus! I guess I sussed you wrong earlier you know. Sorry pack-leader. Yeah we’ll sure make it a fucking booze session to remember. Time to party like it’s the last time – I guess it could well be!"

  Hines had uttered her last line with an impish smile on her face. She had seen the dark humour attached to her choice of words and then the other two saw the linguistic irony. All three of them proceeded to laugh in a good-natured communion.

  The first batch of alcohol was drunk extremely quickly, proving a welcome temporary antidote to the horrors that they had experienced. When the first bottles were emptied, Blackwell went down to the cellar to retrieve some more. That gave Feyer time to speak to Claire. She was about to extend a very unusual offer to her fellow female Avoider.

  "Do you fancy having Dean tonight Claire?"

  Hines nearly fell off her kitchen bar – stool in surprise, before she managed to respond to Feyer.

  "You what! He’s yours. He, he-"

  Feyer cut-in.

  "It’s fine Claire. I’ve seen you looking at Dean – that’s natural cos he’s a good-looking guy. If we look at things rationally for a second Claire – we’ll all be dead in a matter of weeks one way or another. Possessions don’t count for anything now. We’ve just got to live for the fucking day. I sure don’t mind sharing and I reckon Dean would get off over fucking someone else when we’re so close to the wire!"

  With that remark Feyer left Claire to contemplate being fucked by someone that she had only masturbated about until that night. She became wet with excitement.

  In the cellar Feyer got straight to the point as always.

  "Hey Dean. Do you feel like fucking Claire – make her feel more a part of the gang, if you know what I mean?"

  "Your serious?"

  "Yep. She lost Robertson and it must be fucking hard for her on her own, when we can die together. I don’t mind sharing you until the end. Look. Go and fuck her in the kitchen right now. I’m going upstairs to grab a bit of sleep. After you’ve had a good session, wake me up and fuck me until my clit can’t take anymore! Give her a good one Dean – she’s expecting you!"

  "Game on - Feyer. Yeah I guess I’d better show her round the kitchen! Jeez my cock thought the day of a double-fuck was long - gone! Thanks!"

  The pair parted with a passionate kiss at the top of the cellar stairs and whilst Feyer went upstairs, Blackwell re-entered the kitchen.

  "Hi Claire. I thought that we could fuck all the bad images away for a few hours!"

  "Yeah – that sounds cool. Sorry I’m a bit moist already! Feyer told me that you were coming up. Shit – me and my words!"

  The pair started to rip each other out of their tattered clothing whilst exchanging tongues with a savage intimacy. Blackwell already had a rampant erection after Feyer’s words and Hines knelt down to take his penis in her mouth. She managed to take over half of Blackwell’s large cock down her narrow throat and whilst this was ecstasy, he freed himself quite quickly because he wanted to shoot his semen deep into Claire’s vagina. The woman had left her skimpy briefs on, but Dean ripped these off and roughly pushed her onto the cold marble - tiled floor. Then the man straddled her and with a deep thrust pushed his penis deep into the woman’s vagina. She screamed through sheer lust as orgasmic waves pulsated through her whole being and then she wrapped her tapered legs around Blackwell while he drove into her with increasing speed. The power of the copulation had both of them sweating profusely after a matter of seconds and Blackwell’s knees started to bleed due to the powerful strokes that he was delivering Hines. His ejaculation lasted for the best part of a minute and Claire lost count of the number of times that she came. Both of them then slumped to the floor on their backs, arms clasped and still breathing heavily. It had been an excellent bonding session.

  Feyer laughed when she heard the pair thrashing about below her. She didn’t feel any jealousy or regret concerning the copulation that she had activated because she had fully meant what she said – in her eyes all three of them were on a metaphorical death row and sharing every experience was the order of the day.

  Inwardly Feyer was also quite turned on by hearing her lover perform on another woman – before he serviced her.

  When Blackwell and Hines opted to go for a second bout of bonding she sat on her wide window – sill and gazed out at the harbour. The night didn’t have the luminance that was synonymous with the midnight sun months, but it was quite light outside nonetheless. She dozed for a short while, before waking to a very surreal sight.

  A series of retro – gas lamps ran alongside the harbour road and she could clearly discern snow falling in the glare created by each lamp. The woman thought about rousing the other two to witness the strange event, but then decided against this course of action and crept out of the rear entrance alone.As soon as her feet contacted the ground, she heard the distinctive sound that footfalls on powdery snow make and she made her way into the large back garden to gain a wider visual perspective.

  The woman felt sure that snow in late – August must be down to Klue and she became even more convinced that this weather was the devil’s work when she took a closer look at the snow that had settled on the ground.

  The garden had the same ornate lamps that flanked the harbour and when Feyer moved directly under the beam, she became aware of two very disturbing factors associated with the snow.

  The colour of the snow was hardly of the pure – driven white variety, appearing more like a septic yellow and it had a distinctive aroma attached to it – comparable with bad meat! The woman had seen enough and she ran back into the house.

  Blackwell and Hines were oblivious to what was falling outside and their collective sexual groans were even more raucous as they had opted for anal sex on the second time around. Feyer contemplated whether to disturb the pair initially, but then she decided that her revelation couldn’t wait for anyone. She strode boldly through the kitchen door with a classic entry-line.

  "Hey guys, are you ready for a septic Santa – check out the poison that is falling from the sky!"

  The pair still naked walked over to the kitchen window and looked at the lamplight outside. They could clearly see the snow falling outside, through the glare given off by the lamp and they like Feyer before them were amazed.

  Blackwell was very excited about this meteorological anomaly and once again his boyish enthusiasm activated before he let reality arrest him.

  "The electrical storm was fucking weird guys, but this beats that for strangeness. Come on you two, let’s go outside – I adore snow!"

  "You won’t buzz on that batch Dean! It fucking stinks and the colour will really screw up any picture-postcard!"

  Hines and Blackwell briefly went outside to examine the snow, but like Feyer they returned quite hastily when the smell overcame them. A wind then started to blow the snow around and the yellow flakes seemed to increase in size. Feyer commented on Klue’s latest attempt to thwart their Lofoten entry.

  "So the bastard wants to trap us in a frozen kingdom guys. He knows that we’re coming and I think he fears us. We’ll get there though – even if we have to ram-raid hell in the process!"


  The snow fell regularly on Bodo for the next two weeks and it drifted a couple of metres deep in places. The Avoiders remained housebound for the majority of the duration, because the septic nature of the snow was an extremely dangerous health hazard. The elderly citizens who had ventured out when they first saw the snow fell like flies and then writhed on the ground in a fatally-determined seizure. Feyer had briefly gone outside to see if she could assist any of those who had fallen, but they were beyond any help.

  The pollutant that gave the snow a yellow colour was a sulphur-based compound. Other toxins of both natural and supernatural origins had entered the atmosphere and Klue’s devil-snow was the result. The substance was lethal to anyo
ne who inhaled it for more than a couple of minutes, if they didn’t have a form of respiratory protection.

  It was very fortunate for the Avoiders that Claire Hines had brought along a respirator in her survival pack. This meant that the pack could take it in turns to venture outside individually and relieve the tedium of their confinement.

  The temperature then dropped quite radically and when the last of the poison fell on September 10, Norway had effectively surrendered to a very early winter! Feyer then managed to acquire more respirators by breaking into a closed medical store and Blackwell prepared his selected boat for their impending crossing. On September 12 Feyer briefly addressed her two fellow Avoiders.

  "We will leave tonight – just before midnight. Are you sure that you can get us over in five hours Dean?"

  "Yeah, but if the sea becomes rough on the way our journey-time will obviously be extended."

  "That’s a fair point. Ideally I want you to reach a place called Reine. There’s a natural inlet there, where we could scuttle the boat without being noticed. After we’ve lost the boat, we can follow the coastal path southwards until we reach Hell. It’s only about twenty kilometres from Reine to Hell- just a fucking stroll really!"