The Scream of Feyer: hitching a ride with a suicide bomber Read online

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  After the explorations had been undertaken, he would activate a laser screen and review the mental imagery. When he commenced his surveillance, he felt confident that he would discover conclusive visual footage that proved the existence of a more powerful being or presence.

  After four years undertaking his self-appointed quest, his enthusiasm had dulled. On occasions indistinct shapes or coloured masses had promised great things, but these visuals had been supported by muffled sounds as opposed to any recognisable language. He had just finished his latest trawl and once again nothing significant had materialised. Wheeler turned off his laser screen and put his desk back in an upright position. He was located in an underground research section of a project base and the place had an oppressive feel about it. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 10:06pm. The man had been undertaking his research for a seven-hour stretch that day and his mouth was parched. He headed for the door looking forward to a refreshing drink. Before he reached the door, the strip lighting flickered then died. A voice cut through the darkness and Jess Wheeler shivered. The tone was deep and yet the utterance had a pitch that fluctuated in volume – almost as if the source was continually shifting their position.

  "Looking for me Jess?"

  Wheeler had been unnerved by the speaker’s decision to hiss the last two letters of his name and he moved towards the door area tentatively. He gave the speaker an angry reply.

  "Some fucking joke! If you are pissing around with an effects microphone Tavini, I’ll break you Mr America!"

  A pregnant silence pervaded the room. Wheeler had waited for a humorous riposte, but something inside him knew that one wouldn’t be forthcoming. The laser screen emitted a faint green glow after being shut down and his eyes started to partially discern the layout of his research quarters, He became aware of a presence adjacent to his stacked filing cabinets. For the first time in his life, Jess Wheeler felt acute fear, because he began to deduce the size of whoever was in the room with him. The cabinets were two metres in height, but the occupant standing next to them was much taller! Another voice came from the now stationary form – the far away whine of a young girl. Every word echoed...

  "So cold Mister, so lost. I need friend. You my friend?"

  "What the fuck are you?"

  The child’s voice came back.

  "We serve Klue. I serve Klue. I am Klue."

  "Who the hell is Klue?"

  "Klue lives in Hell. You know that – you called him."

  Wheeler started to lose his temper, becoming angered by the echoing childish whine. His next response was subsequently more savage than his previous utterances.

  "Look, get me the main man back kid. Where the fuck are you hiding anyway?"

  The MC-Project Leader was literally knocked from his feet as the malevolent deep voice returned. He was about to meet what he had tried so hard to find.

  "She’s in me fucker. We are one of the same. Everyone feeds my frame if I choose it. Your fucking mother Jess, your fucking kids, your whore of a wife if I allow her. The whole rotting world comes through me and dies in me. Their sorrow is my salvation. You just fell Jess. I thought your fall - I conceived it. In a few seconds I’m going to break some of your bones Jess. I’ll break them without touching. I’ll think break and the chosen bones will fucking snap. You invited me Wheeler. I am Klue, the frozen river, the famine landscape. I am the voice of pestilence and in the beautifully sick world you’ve created, I am a natural product. I’m going to think about you Jess!"

  The silence returned to the room and Wheeler cowered on the floor, wondering which bones Klue would break. A warm heat started to pulse around his body and when the heat intensified around his ribs, Klue made his first break. The rib snapped like a twig, but Wheeler had lost the power to scream. He shook with fear as the heat started to travel through him again. As the heat started to intensify around Wheeler’s groin area, the girl’s voice returned to the room of darkness.

  "There Father - Hurt him there!"

  Klue contemplated what his twisted juvenile side had instructed him to do. He held the Project Leader in a state of fearful anticipation without saying a word. As the intense heat localised great pressure over Wheeler’s genital area, the victim lost control and urinated in his clothing. He was experiencing the type of extreme terror that he had inflicted on countless others during his MC-Project years and a bizarre kind of equalisation was taking place. The dominant side to Klue spoke again.

  "Are you glad that you found me Jess? Suffering is my art you know! You can’t see me yet Mr Wheeler, but at least you are gently experiencing my presence. Another part of me wants to destroy an area of your body that you may wish to retain, but I think she has left the room. Do you want me to invite her back or shall I choose another area to ruin?’

  Wheeler sobbed like a child and started to plead for clemency.

  "Please spare me Klue. Please, please stop the torture. I beg you to leave me intact. You can have anything, anyone!"

  "I know I can. What the fuck can you give me?"

  A familiar voice interrupted.

  "Nothing Father. He can’t give you anything. Put him through a slow kill."

  "Leave me child. I have a role for Wheeler. You hear that Jess. Yes I can use you. You need to vomit don’t you – so be it."

  Jess Wheeler’s whole frame went into seizure as he retched for a few minutes. After the bile came, the blood and when it was done, exhaustion came over him. He recovered some hours later and sensed that he was alone in the darkness. His broken rib hurt him, but he struggled to his feet as the room lights flickered back on.

  Devastation met his eyes. A fetid smell hung over the cabinet area and the floor was partially covered in blood, vomit and urine. His exploration equipment had been ruined by something and shards of ice splinters were impaled in functional objects throughout the room. Wheeler trembled when he remembered Klue’s parting words. For him, it looked as though survival depended on staying in league with the devil!


  Jess Wheeler didn’t divulge any information about Klue to his project subordinates. Although as leader, he was free to do as he pleased, he didn’t want too many people to learn of the specifics behind his hidden agenda work. David Tavini had noticed that Wheeler winced with pain on occasions and frequently held his mid-rift, but when he asked if his leader was in ill health, he had received a very curt negative. Wheeler conducted his project business as usual, but he felt like the walking dead in many respects because he knew that Klue would be back. Jess knew that Klue had a role for him, but he also anticipated that pain would be the hallmark of his duties.

  The unenlightened ranks of the other MC-Project elite continued with their decadent power-obsessed lifestyles. No one exceeded the parameters of debauchery better than Marcia Levene. She used her high rank to give her a hedonistic buzz on a daily basis. She was addicted to libido enhancing performance drugs and one of her favourite leisure pursuits was known as Necsexing. This was a practice enjoyed by those who retained intellectual control and it involved the elite driving through the ghettos that housed Prerogative Three victims to select individuals who would be used as tools for their sexual gratification.

  Once the elite individual or group had finished with their victim, they would shoot them and append a branding tag to the body. The tag was a barbed metal construction that would stay on the body until it decomposed. The name of the tagger was displayed on the metal.

  Necsexing had been in vogue for close on a decade now and Levene never tired of this vicious pursuit. She preferred to hunt in a duo and on the morning after Wheeler’s satanic visitation, she was hunting with a non-project girlfriend called Saskia Rivette.

  Levene drove her convertible at high speed to the favoured Ghetto 7. Saskia sat beside her, in a very short skirt that fully exposed her prime reason for visiting the ghetto. She didn’t have any briefs on and began to sexually moisten herself, as the car got closer. Her careless black hair blew back to its full ex
tent and the pair laughed wildly when they reached their intended destination.

  Levene got out first and as Saskia began to climb out of the vehicle, she was roughly forced back into her seat. Levene rammed her tongue deep into the woman’s mouth before pausing to speak.

  "Cool Sas! Name our prey – Stags or Does?"

  "Stags in the ghetto Marce. We can always go doe to doe later."

  "OK, but here’s a taster first."

  With that line, Levene raised Saskia’s legs above her head and proceeded to perform oral sex on her. As her tongue probed deeper the woman started to dig her nails into the leather of the car seat. Marcia inserted two digits into her partner’s vagina and when these were combined with her pointed tongue, Saskia came in a matter of seconds. The seat glistened with the woman’s juices.

  After Levene serviced Saskia, the pair made their way to the Ghetto 7 compound. They both clutched their branding tags and laughed when they saw the first group of tagged corpses nearby. The women put on facial masks to counteract the stench of the decomposing flesh around them and then they started to determine the identities of those who had beaten them to this particular patch. The pair didn’t recognise some of the names, but Marcia suddenly located the name of a person who worked for the MC-Project with her. In an excited yell she asked Saskia to come and examine the tag.

  "Yo Sas – jackpot! This guy’s one of us! Marco Sant is a big player. I didn’t know that the fucker Necsexed. Wait until I see him tomorrow!"

  "I can’t even tell if this stiff is a Stag or a Doe Marce. Does he play things straight or Seed-Drill both genders like us?"

  "He’s straight I think Sas. I don’t really know Sant that well, but its kind of strange to find a tagger from project ranks in our stalking ground. Part of me is hyper fucked off, because this is our special turf – our private sperm-bank."

  After the woman had scanned the tags on some of the other rotting corpses, they made their way into one of the crumbling tower blocks that typified Ghetto 7. Soon they encountered the ranks of the wasted Prerogative Three victims, congregating in groups on the stairs between floors. When Levene and Rivette were sighted they were met with the familiar diminished smiles of the MC-Project victims. As they climbed higher up the structure, they found fewer corpses. Rivette commented on this factor on floor four and Levene told her that the floor above held the answer. She had been to Ghetto 7 countless times before, whereas her twenty-eight year old bi-sexual partner was making only her second visit.

  Floor five held a macabre surprise for Rivette. When she reached the top of the stairs Levene beckoned her to come and look down the open lift shaft. The woman duly peered down and was shocked to see a pile of rotting corpses less than three metres below her. Marcia shed some light on the grisly discovery.

  "They’re compressed all the way down to the ground floor Sas. Throwing the corpses down the shaft has become a fucking game for the wasted. They haven’t any concept of death as you know and so packing the stiffs down the lift shaft becomes a form of fucking play to them! They’ve been chucking the dead down that shaft for years now. They get a real kick when one is hurled over, but the corpses are nearly getting up to this floor so I guess the fuckers will be moving soon!"

  Saskia felt nauseous after seeing the shaft of rotting flesh, but Levene’s exuberant shout helped dispel this feeling. The pair had been hoping to find some males with energy left in them and when Marcia sighted six comparatively healthy specimens coming down the steps to their level she felt that they had struck gold!

  "Now it’s our playtime Sas – choose your fucking Stag!"

  Levene raced up to the group – who were oblivious to anything but pleasure. The men ranged in age from late teens to mid-thirties. Marcia pounced on one of the younger guys whilst her partner started to rip the clothes off the oldest male. Smiles of total submission emanated from their victims and as both females started to arouse the genital area of their targets, a hedonistic orgy started to develop. The men would do anything that the women desired and the women were determined to squeeze every ounce of sex from them!

  After Saskia had stripped her man naked, she orally stimulated his penis and then roughly pushed him over. The man laughed, enjoying the game that he felt he was playing. The woman told him to lie still and then she knelt over him, impaling herself on his large phallus. Rivette’s short skirt was forced up her lean stomach and then she started to claw the chest of the male until blood tracks appeared. Three other males watched the pair copulating and when he came, Rivette decided to increase the number of players. She forced a fresh male to the floor and started to glide her tongue across the girth of his penis. At the same time, she instructed a standing male to kneel and penetrate her from behind.

  The three got into a rhythm that greatly magnified the sexual urges running through them. Rivette’s head bobbed up and down whilst the kneeling male penetrated her anus. When she came, she savagely bit down on the floored male. She then swallowed both blood and semen. Saskia relaxed a little at this point and splayed her forearms on the floor whilst raising her arse higher in the air. Her second male shot his semen inside her and the woman turned over to load her gun.

  Meanwhile Levene had ravished her younger victim with manic passion. He had ejaculated very quickly, before falling asleep in a light slumber. This premature climax had angered Marcia and she hungrily pulled an older male on top of her to try and satisfy her carnal needs. The replacement had a penis of some size with an unusual curvature and he managed a deep penetration that prompted a massive orgasm in the project woman. Levene lay idle for a few seconds, before kicking the male off her and joining Saskia as she loaded her weapon. Between them the pair had roughly acquired sex from four Prerogative Three victims, but their insatiable appetite for sex meant that they wouldn’t be satisfied until they had experienced the two untried Stags.

  The pair decided to carry out their first kill before their last bout of sex and so each woman pulled one of their previous partners to them; French-kissed their quarry and then shot the man through the heart whilst his tongue was still in their mouth! Both women had a symmetrical blood-stain on their upper garments after this callous act, but the surviving bliss-slaves just continued smiling at the killers – with nothing breaking their contented daze.

  After attaching their branding tags to their victims, Marcia and Saskia moved in the direction of the two untried males. Rivette cast a loving look in Levene’s direction and was about to say something to her, when she was shot where she stood! The bullet went clean through her head and as she fell for the last time, her blood bathed the concrete surface of floor five.

  When Marcia Levene had heard the gunshot she instinctively dived for cover. The woman had quickly dropped to the floor and had spread-eagled herself behind one of the two males that she and Rivette had killed. She had looked back in time to see her partner waver and fall with her blood spraying in all directions.

  The shot had been fired from the halfway-point on the stairs between floors five and six, but there wasn’t anyone there now. Levene lay flat on the floor waiting to be shot at or verbally challenged in some way. Marcia assumed that rival taggers had attacked Saskia, but as the minutes ticked by, the silence wasn’t broken. After half an hour in a cold sweat the woman could stand the silence no longer and then she issued a challenge of her own.

  "Come on fuckers; show me your ugly faces. I’ll drop the lot of you!"

  Still the silence prevailed and then the woman snapped. She stood amidst the carnage and spat a venomous insult up the stairs.

  "You fucking cowards! I wouldn’t waste my piss on your fucking white feathers. Where’s your fucking guts now?"

  After her last tirade, Levene did hear a voice, but it wasn’t the kind of riposte that she had expected.

  "Go Levene. I don’t want to abort your presence."

  Marcia was rendered dumb-struck by the utterance. She was scared that the person on floor six knew her identity and the tone of the voice was
so deep that it almost sounded non-human. The speaker had slurred the word presence so that the s letter reverberated around their location and malevolence had shaped the word abort. Levene breathed in deeply to try and steady her resolve, but then a repugnant aroma filled her lungs.

  As the smell became overpowering, she moved toward the stairs and then the temperature started to drop quite significantly. She could see her breath in the air around her and this uncanny factor helped make her mind up – with regard to evasive action. The woman had never run from a fight before, especially a revenge opportunity – but this was different. Her foe was unseen and supernatural elements seemed to surround his identity.

  Her courage snapped and she raced down the stairs. On her way down, she distinctively heard the sound of a child laughing. The laughter echoed eerily around the concrete structure.

  After Levene’s departure, the four remaining Prerogative Three males crowded round Saskia’s body. They wanted to play again and began removing all the dead woman’s clothes. She had shown them a new game, one that made them feel wonderful. All four of them wanted to feel that way again and fill their new friend with whiteness. As two of the males penetrated the corpse, a black irony began to take place, where Saskia’s body was literally Necsexed!

  When the four males had finished with Saskia’s body, they descended the stairs leaving the corpse behind. Shortly after their departure, another series of footsteps could be heard coming down to floor five. A figure approached the body, touched some of the congealed blood on the forehead and inserted a branding tag through the flesh of the left breast. The tag carried a new name – Klue.

  The devil still had another visit to make on that late-May evening. It involved a second audience with Jess Wheeler. Klue had decided that it was time that the MC-Project front-line protagonists visited their European counterparts again and after a little torture, Wheeler had been persuaded to organise plans for a project residence in Germany. He had started to pull the project closer to his lair!