The Scream of Feyer: hitching a ride with a suicide bomber Read online

Page 9

  "You’re going to take me now – back in my suite. Fuck waiting, I know what I’m doing. Now preserve your fucking silence if you must and follow me to fuck me!"

  The pair left the ballroom and Marcia pulled her prey to the elevator. She was in a hurry now and didn’t need to flaunt herself any further, as she had secured her chosen one! When the two of them stepped into the elevator, Levene once again savagely kissed the mysterious stranger, although on this second occasion he tasted rather bitter and she broke off quite quickly. She assumed that the harsh taste was linked to the red wine that he had hastily finished off when they were leaving the ballroom. Still a bitter-kiss wouldn’t stop her – not when she was with someone who had a penis of such great size. His trousers couldn’t conceal his immense potential and Levene eagerly anticipated her imminent penetration. She rushed out of the lift doors, pulling her silent partner towards her suite in desperate haste. The woman was a little annoyed that he had still opted to maintain the required masquerade silence, but all she had to do was to think of that penis and he was forgiven! She hurriedly unlocked her room and pulled her partner through the doorway. She was determined to have sex on her terms and began with a list of instructions!

  "I want you to literally rip me out of these fucking clothes. Then you’ll roughly splay me across that bed, raise my arse in the air and fuck me that way – up there – for a starter! Don’t worry if you hurt me. Pain is a pleasure of mine – I fucking love pain. Well, what are you waiting for? Hurt me!"

  Levene’s partner started to play sex her way – at least at the beginning. Her clothes were ripped apart by the man’s large hands in a matter of seconds and then he threw the woman onto the bed. He added a novel twist to Marcia’s instructions when he cut her on her back. Levene assumed that he was using a room key or some similar object. She realised that her cuts were deep when she felt blood trickling down her back. She was still impatient for penetration though and shouted another command to her lover.

  "Now – damn you! Make my walls bleed! Just get in me, fuck me, fuck m-!"

  Levene was cut short by the most powerful anal penetration that she had ever experienced. She had thought her mystery partner was still in the middle of the room not right on top of her! She had deliberately raised her arse on the bed and she had parted her cheeks to invite her penetration, but both factors had been tease – orientated to tempt her partner as he approached. Her partner had ideas of his own though, as Levene was beginning to find out!

  The man inserted seven inches into Levene and then he rammed home the remaining six in one vicious thrust. She had an orgasm that reverberated through her whole frame, but she prayed that her partner now had his full shaft up her. She was unfortunate on that count!

  He continued to grow inside her and panic spread through Marcia. She started to violently struggle, wondering exactly what was on top of her! She gasped out a very anxious request.

  "Please, please stop. Stop Sir please! This is torture – will you stop?"

  Levene didn’t exactly know why she used the word Sir, but at least it prompted a reply.

  "No woman. I’m fucking your new destiny!"

  "What the hell do you mean? What the fuck are you?"

  "I am Klue – now be quiet bitch. It’s time to enjoy the breeding season!"

  With that line the ultimate horror of Klue’s rape began. He kept ramming into Levene’s anal passage, at an increasing speed that cut into her. Between every sixth or seventh stroke he would violently beat Marcia’s back with one of his fists and pull back on her throat with the other, half asphyxiating her in the process. His breath now fully betrayed his vile identity and Marcia could feel the heat that accompanied it, with every sexual thrust. When Marcia had struggled to break free for a third time, Klue hit her so hard that she slumped to the bed like a ragdoll, with the energy knocked from her. As she endured the seemingly endless nature of her rape, the nightmare went a stage further.

  Klue stopped for a brief moment, saying nothing. Then she felt something tighten inside her! To her horror, Marcia realised that Klue’s penis had a form of outgrowth that locked his member into her anal flesh. She twisted to escape this new torture, but the spines of the outgrowth were like barbs once they were embedded and subsequently Levene was the victim of excruciating pain when she tried to break free.

  When Klue was locked in place he briefly rested. Levene felt as though she had a column wrapped in scaffolding up her rectum and she just hoped for the ordeal to end. Then, just when Marcia thought things couldn’t get any worse – they did!

  She felt a faint tingling sensation around the entrance to her vagina. Levene could feel Klue’s hands on her back and his penis was up deep inside her rectum, so initially she couldn’t account for the movement. The woman was thinking that she must have imagined the sensation due to the shock that was pulsating through her, when the movement came again and something started to penetrate her vaginal passage! Klue started to rhythmically excite his second phallus and the second penis started to reach a state of erection! The horror of having one penis impaled up her arse while the second penis started to penetrate her vagina caused the woman to temporarily lose consciousness. When she recovered her senses some minutes later, both phalluses were fully erect and were simultaneously plunging into her. It was as though the first penis had been docked up her arse while Klue waited for his second phallus to become fully erect!

  Now the devil had managed to get erect in the conception tunnel his speed threatened to snap Marcia’s spine in two. He relaxed a little for the final thrust and then he shot his semen deep up Levene’s vagina and simultaneously up her rectum. It took him just over a minute to finish ejaculating. More sperms had been released from the penis up Levene’s vagina, but the one up her arse intermittently spat cum up her anal passage for a slightly longer duration.

  The beast withdrew twice from his partner and after gently running a digit down her spine - he left.

  A pair of firm hands woke the woman a couple of hours later. They belonged to a tall shaven-headed man in his late thirties. He wore a black suit. Levene had never seen him before. This man had a cold voice and no warmth lived in his eyes.

  "We leave in a few minutes. You will change. You are going back to America. It is better that the master’s seed is nurtured there."

  The woman put on a warm coat in addition to some new clothing. The purple wig was left crumpled on the floor. She opened her room door and saw that the black-suited gentleman had two other men ready to escort Levene. Together the three of them walked the project woman out of the venue. They didn’t meet any resistance – it was strangely quiet. The group then took a car to the banks of the Seine and the shaven-headed henchman spoke again.

  "You are going to go on a short motor-launch journey and then you will make another car journey to the private jet that is waiting to fly you back to the States. If you try and escape we will cut your fucking womb out."

  After this short destination breakdown, the four of them climbed into the motor-launch and started to follow the sinews of the Seine. A full-moon bathed Paris and to the ignorant the scene would have been impressive – three well attired gentlemen guarding a beautiful mature woman. The motor-launch broke through the moonlit surface and carried Klue’s cargo out of Paris. The seeds had been sown.


  Before Levene had left for Paris she had instructed security staff to give Feyer and Blackwell the same comparative privileges that were given to the other Avoider prisoners. The pair had initially been placed in isolated confinement, but after Levene’s meeting with Feyer, they were subsequently housed with the rest. It was Marcia’s reward – her way of thanking Feyer. She had authorised this new edict with a patent hidden agenda, but Feyer was content to play along because the scent of freedom was much more evident in her new surroundings. Walking around the recreation yard hardly compared with the Harz Mountains, but it was a form of nirvana when compared to the bondage that she had previously experienced.

  Feyer and Blackwell walked across the dusty yard. Both of them feared the impending return of the project front-liners, because they knew that neurological alterations would eventually be performed upon them. The waiting made things worse in many ways and as a warm summer breeze blew dust into their eyes, they gained a form of solidarity by linking arms as they walked around their prison. Some of their fellow Avoiders had already been through the Prerogative Three ordeal and as these individuals walked clumsily around the yard the smiles of diminished cognisance gave them away.

  Project security personnel had told the Avoiders about the implementation of the Leanworld Vision and each of them knew that the withdrawal of provision marked the final stage of the genocide of the wasted generations. Just over a third of the forty Avoiders walking across the yard were victims of Prerogative Three and Blackwell felt that he and Feyer should share some of their food with the wasted if they could. He saw this gesture as a type of moral-duty in a world that didn’t give a fuck! He mentioned this to Feyer as they walked.

  "We’ve got enough to share amongst a few of the wasted Feyer. We could always sneak some of our provisions out for the next exercise period. I can’t stand watching them waste away. We eat well while they wither and fall. We’ve got to help a few of them."

  "We’d just be prolonging the inevitable Blackwell. I like your fucking sentiment, but in a way it’s kinder to let them be. Why should we prolong their stay in this shit-hole of a world? Cruel to be kind is a phrase that springs to mind here."

  "By doing that we become as stagnant as the rest of society!"

  Blackwell’s choice of words involved an adjective that echoed through Feyer. She had called the world stagnant after she had aborted his child and for a moment guilt tore through her. Her next words reflected this emotion.

  "Oh for fucks sake Blackwell. Ever the fucking martyr - aren’t you? Death is their way out you know. If you had a sick animal, would you keep it alive?"

  The couple would have argued further over morality and the starvation of the wasted, but a crashing sound interrupted their train of thought.

  A large project-security vehicle had forced through the perimeter wall of the prison and was speeding towards the Avoider prisoners. Feyer quickly looked at Blackwell. She thought that their last moment had arrived because the MC-Project seemed to favour novel ways of mass-execution!

  The vehicle stopped a few metres from the prisoners and then a laser cannon was aimed at them. The project guards laughed and stood back, fully expecting to see another massacre of the innocent. Just as each mentally – aware Avoider expected the worst, the weapon was repositioned and started to blast the security guards behind them! In the ensuing chaos, a regulated voice sounded from the interior of the armour-plated vehicle.

  "We can take seven - the first seven. We only have seconds!"

  "Quick – the first seven!"

  Feyer and Blackwell raced for the vehicle, as did the majority of the prisoners. Some of the wasted ran along with the others, enjoying the new game that they felt they were playing! As some Avoiders fought amongst themselves in the panic to make the seven, Feyer was roughly hauled into the vehicle. She looked around for Blackwell, but couldn’t detect him in the flailing bodies that clambered to get inside. Then the woman was pushed down from the vehicle turret, into the darkness of the interior. She heard the voices of her rescuers and distinctly heard numbers four and five being called. Her heart cried out for Blackwell and sure enough he managed to claim the sixth allocation. His bloodied mouth smiled when he saw his leader.

  After the seventh fortunate Avoider had been pushed down inside the vehicle, the three burly helpers jumped down below and the turret floor closed over. The vehicle then sped out of the prison yard with return fire blasting the armour-plated sides. Feyer cradled her battered partner and for a short while the only audible sound was the rasping breath of the seven. A familiar voice then spoke to Feyer.

  "Leaner than ever Feyer! It’s good to see that you two are still in the land of the living."

  The speaker was Dr Robertson, the Avoider who had tended Feyer after she had returned from the first Goslar massacre. She was surprised that he was still alive, thinking that he had been killed back in the Harz Mountains – when her pack had split from the main group. She expressed her surprise that he was still alive.

  "It’s great to see you’re still with us too Dr Robertson! After my splinter-pack heard aerial bombardment in the vicinity where the main pack was located; we assumed that the worst had taken place. I don’t think the rest of my crew made it though as Dean and I heard a rush of gunfire just before we were captured. How many of the others survived with you?"

  "None. I had lagged behind the rest as we had started to climb higher and when the fighters attacked I was some distance behind them. The attack didn’t last long and after the last plane had departed I raced ahead to see what I could do. Unfortunately a scene of devastation met my torchlight. Tangled flesh and bone lay in heaps. I couldn’t find one recognisable Avoider and the power of the attack had been so complete that I didn’t have any wounded to treat."

  "So how did you get this far north on your own?"

  "After the tragedy, my grief initially made me quite nonchalant as far as my own survival was concerned. I broke with the survival – criteria favoured by all Avoiders and started to walk alongside one of the northern roads. I was past caring you understand and when I realised that the occupants of a project security vehicle had seen me, I thought my time was up. It was the same vehicle that freed you and Blackwell – this one! It is one of the few that has been acquired by the Avoiders from the clutches of MC security! My expected enemy thus turned out to be my sanctuary – my guardian angel in effect!

  "This group of Avoiders are born survivors Feyer. They’ve been active since the start and they are the antithesis of the laxity that was demonstrated by our old pack. In a few minutes all the new recruits will be blindfolded and no verbal account of our impending journey will be revealed to them. The scanning of Deadheads cost our olds pack everything and these Avoiders aren’t going to make the same mistakes. We minimise location and route knowledge-sharing to preserve our security. We will discuss more tomorrow, but now your eyes have to be covered."

  After the seven rescued Avoiders were blindfolded the vehicle left the outskirts of Hanover.

  * * *

  Later that day Jess Wheeler and most of the other project front-liners returned to the Hanover Designation. In Paris, Wheeler had been annoyed by Levene’s disappearance, but this feeling turned to anger when he saw the wrecked compound. He ignored the body bags holding project security staff and concentrated on the damage done to his prison. His black knuckles were pale as he tightly gripped a machine gun. He was going to stop this laxity once and for all and he decided to take the retaliatory action immediately – before any reflective purpose could impede his vengeance.

  Wheeler called for a full-assembly, ordering the entire project cohort and all the Avoider prisoners to the exercise yard. As the yard started to fill, one of Wheeler’s security staff told him about the escape of the seven Avoiders and Jess turned a shade more evil in an instant. He bellowed out his assemblage instructions, his eyes glinting in a portrait of pure-strain malevolence.

  "Line up – damn you! We leave for a few fucking days and you security jerks have Avoiders snatched from right under your fucking noses! Someone’s going to fucking well answer for your collective weaknesses this time. Right fat-man – come over here!"

  Wheeler had selected one of his most experienced security staff members to come and stand beside him. He asked a question to the man, without engaging in eye contact.

  "How long in the field employee 568? How many years project service have you seen?"

  "Nine years Sir, nine glorious y-"

  Wheeler’s gun cut the man short. His blood splattered onto the uniform of the MC-Project Leader.

  "Too fucking long in the tooth he was! He had lost the edge.
Now remind me – it was seven who escaped wasn’t it? That leaves six of you fuckers to go. First off, I’m going to lose those fucking bliss slaves. Hutchinson, waste the wasted – they just clutter up my fucking mind! Those fuckers don’t count."

  The project employee lined up the wasted against the wall and emptied his magazine. Blood started to colour large areas of the exercise yard. Wheeler then spoke again.

  "You took too fucking long man! Sorry and all that shit, but I guess it’s time to fucking kill you!"

  The man looked for an instant as though he was going to turn his gun on Wheeler, but he hesitated at the critical moment and a shower of machine gun bullets ripped his face apart. Then Wheeler turned to the chief cook, salivating with the frenzy of killing.

  "It’s your turn now bitch!"

  "Please spare me Sir. We are a project-family! We love our work."

  "A family you say? How many exactly?"

  "There are six of us sir. My husband, our four boys and myself. They are fine boys Sir: ready to serve the project."

  "That’s too many. You and your husband will decide which five of you are going to be shot. You’ve got one fucking minute to make your mind up."

  The family openly wept, beside themselves with grief. They implored Wheeler to change his mind, but their leader had forged a decision straight from the pit of hell and it seemed unlikely that he would change it. The deadline passed and Jess Wheeler casually approached the family unit. The other MC-Project staff stood back leaving the victims in isolation. Jess announced his arrival.